• L. Savosh Lutsk National Technical University
  • L.V. Pavliuk Lutsk National Technical University
  • O.Ya. Kravchuk Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: project, project management, the sphere of higher education, program, project management, an institution of higher education.


The article considers the peculiarities of the use of project management in the field of higher education. The essence of the concepts "project", "project management", "program" for higher education is analyzed.

In general, the Project Management Institute (USA) describes a "project" as a specific, time-limited activity aimed at creating a unique product or service, using limited resources. The main features that define the project are its uniqueness, uniqueness, limited resources for its implementation, and limited time.

About higher education, the following general definition of a higher education project is a unique set of coordinated actions to transform an information resource into an information product of a university management system, aimed at achieving a focused useful result of the required quality in limited resources.

The general definition of "project management" is given by the Project Management Institute (USA) as the art of managing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the project life cycle by applying a system of modern management methods and techniques to achieve project results in terms of composition and scope of work. , cost, quality, and satisfaction of the needs of project participants.

Project management in the field of higher education has its peculiarities related to the specifics of functioning: a significant accumulation of information and intellectual resources, small stocks of own material resources, intangible content of the final product, and so on. At the same time, project management for the education sector is seen as a temporary activity aimed at implementing the project with maximum efficiency with given constraints (time, resources, quality) of the final results of the project, as well as the process of human, financial and material resources management.

Along with the project, such a concept as "program" is considered. In the field of higher education, international programs are of special importance, which is aimed at developing partnerships and cooperation between higher education institutions of different countries, as well as to support the professional and personal development of the population.

The specifics of project management for the educational sphere are highlighted:  the existence of a regulatory framework for the activities of higher education institutions implementing projects; if we estimate the number of funds raised, then in the educational sphere is implemented mainly small projects; in the field of higher education are implemented mainly short- (up to 3 years) and medium-term projects (3-5 years), taking into account the duration of strategic programs; projects of the following types are mainly implemented in higher educational institutions: research and development projects; organizational projects; social projects; as for the structure of the project, in the field of education are implemented mainly mono-projects, ie individual projects of a certain type and size; according to the level of participants, both international and domestic projects are implemented in the field of higher education, although due to the reduction of the already low level of education funding, considerable attention is paid to attracting grant funds; projects implemented in the field of higher education are mostly simple in terms of complexity and are rarely complex and extremely complex.
