Keywords: social economy,, social partnership,, sustainable development,, social and economic policy,, principles of social economy


The article examines modern features of the formation of the social economy in the context of the implementation of the tasks of sustainable development. The specifics of the influence of economic factors on the development of social processes and the peculiarities of the formation of the social economy in Ukraine, as a key component of the socio-economic development of society, are determined. It has been proven that the social orientation of economic activity is possible only under the condition of regulatory activity on the part of the state and if it has an appropriate and effective toolkit of influence on economic processes that directly affect the social interests of the population. A set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of the social economy in Ukraine by improving the activities of social institutions and the regulatory policy of the state in the field of social and economic development of the country as a whole is proposed. The key directions of further integration of the principles of social economy into the system of public administration and the implementation of social partnership as one of the most successful forms of interaction of socio-economic systems have been identified.

The study of modern problems of the formation of the social economy, as one of the key elements of the general socio-economic development of the state, is extremely important for economic science. Modern global trends in economic development consist in the gradual complication of the system of socio-economic relations and lead to a general increase in the role of human capital in the economic development of leading countries and the world economy in general. At the same time, the intensive digitalization of the system of economic relations results in a significant increase in the role of qualified personnel in ensuring technological development and the formation of enterprise profits. At the same time, the formation of the digital economy also involves the growth of the role of human resources in post-industrial development. All this results in a general increase in the role of qualified personnel in ensuring the successful development of the business process at all levels.

The main consequence of these trends is also the growth of the role of the state in guaranteeing the proper system of social guarantees of the population and ensuring the socio-economic development of the territories, which should contribute to the formation of a favorable climate to ensure the appropriate level of the quality of life of the population. In turn, it is the standards of the quality of life in the new conditions that act as a qualitative indicator of the creation of appropriate conditions for the development of the state's aggregate human capital. In addition, ensuring the appropriate level of social standards is important for ensuring the expanded reproduction of the labor force, and, accordingly, directly affects the efficiency of the functioning of the economic system of the state in general. That is why, in modern conditions, the study of the conceptual foundations of the formation and development of the social economy, as a key element of the state's social capital, is of particular relevance
