• Korenyuk P.
Keywords: industry, control system, automobile transport, efficiency, innovation, improvement


The level of development of the automotive industry largely determines the level and pace of development of national machine building and the national economy as a whole. The Ukrainian automotive industry is experiencing far better times, but there is considerable potential and resources for its reincarnation and bringing it to a competitive level. . One of the factors of decent formation and restoration of the automotive industry is an innovative factor. Investments should be aimed not only at maintaining it at a certain level, but mainly they should be directed to a technological breakthrough in this area. As experience of the developed countries of the world shows, at the expense of innovation development of the automobile industry it is possible to significantly accelerate the economic development of the country as a whole. Investment and innovation activities are important for the automotive industry. By its very nature, the car is an innovative achievement, which focuses on the achievements of scientists from different industries and countries. The automotive industry in Ukraine is experiencing no better times. Currently, the automotive industry mainly includes car assembly companies. The reason is the economic background and the fact that domestic production of cars in full cycle remains less advantageous compared with the collection. At the present stage of development for the domestic automotive industry, an extremely important issue is to increase the share of attraction of foreign direct investment, since, apart from loans and loans, investments do not drive the state into a debt hole. Moreover, it is advisable to mark the innovative direction of the attracted investments. There is a need to adapt existing national legislation in the field of road transport to the European one, in particular regarding the management of transport, the regulation of the market of transport services, access to the market for passenger and cargo transportation services, enhancing the competitiveness of road carriers, ensuring traffic safety, transit transport, border control, definition of requirements for wheeled vehicles, transport statistics, environmental and social requirements. In addition, it is necessary to integrate the domestic road transport system into European through the association with the trans-European transport network in accordance with the European Neighborhood Policy
