Keywords: conflict; organizational climate; conflict management; organizational conflict; personnel management of the organization; personnel policy; communications; conflict competence


In the processes of transformations in the organization, a high level of conflictogenicity is maintained. Administrative changes leading to a change in ideology and standards provoke an increase in social conflicts, primarily in the field of labor and organizational relations.

An important task of the organization is the regulation of conflicts that affect its activities. Of particular importance is the development of conflict interaction management technologies as an integral element of the organization's culture.

In the article the methods of preventing conflicts in the organization the authors analyze. The main directions of conflict situation analysis are formulated. The main functions in conflict management are defined. A model of management technology for organizational conflicts and stresses in the organization has been developed. Issues of formation of a comprehensive system of prevention of professional stress of employees under the conditions of modernization of the enterprise are discussed.

Author Biography

Khilukha Oksana, Lutsk National Technical University

Phd in economics, Associate professor
